On 15-16 May 2015 took place the Students Scientific Communications Session for students of Bachelor and Master programs.
It was good exercise, especially for students in their last year. But it was recommended to students in the early years too, especially if they have a practical project that they want to be presented and validated. Students prepared a paper about 3-10 pages which was present in the session. For registration an university professor coordinated their work. Two Telecommunication sections (committees) scheduled the papers on May 15!
There were 34 papers presented by over 50 students awarded as followed: 3 I-st Place prizes, 3 II-nd Place prizes, 3 II-rd Place prizes and 6 Mentions.
The Tudor Tănăsescu contest is the most important professional competition for students from faculties of Electronics and Computer Science from Romania. Getting a prize in this contest proved over time to be an important asset in graduates CV. Organized with little interruption from 1974 the contest reached the 30th edition being intended for deserving students in years III-IV of study. The theme is based on its two fundamental subjects in preparation for the Electronics Engineer: Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Circuits and Systems.
The preparation for the competition is based on a bibliography which is presented to students with a minimum of six months before the contest. Alongside are held preparatory courses for future competitors. At the written test the contestant may use any material (books, notebooks, sheets filed etc.) which can help in solving problems.
Concursul se defășoară în două etape:
–faza locală, care urmăreşte selecţia celor mai buni trei studenţi de către fiecare universitate;
–faza naţională organizată în ultimii 15 ani la Facutatea de Electronică, Telecomunicaţii şi Tehnologia Informaţiei (E.T.T.I) din cadrul Universităţii Politehnica din Bucureşti.
La ediţiile precedente, participanţii au venit de la universităţile tehnice din Iaşi, Cluj, Timişoara, Galaţi , Piteşti, Academia Tehnică Militară Bucureşti şi de la facultatea noastră.
The contest has two stages:
– local phase, which aims to select the best three students from each university;
– national stage organized in the last 15 years at Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (E.T.T.I) of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest.
In previous editions, the participants came from technical universities from Iaşi, Cluj, Timişoara, Galaţi , Piteşti, Military Technical Academy Bucharest and from our faculty.
More information, including topics from previous competitions are available on the website dedicated to this event: concrett.ro.
Robochallenge is a competition that addresses especially to students passionate about the practical part of a project, but also to those eager to learn more. The competition consists in building autonomous robots able to face other robots in the 6 large sections, each team having the opportunity to choose to participate in one or more of the tests designed by the organizers: Mini, Micro and Mega Sumo, Robo Football, Enhanced Line Follower and Maze.
It is a contest for both beginners and advanced learners, especially robotics hobbyists. The contest complements the theoretical part which is taught within the faculty, is how students can make something pleasant and useful using theoretical knowledge. However, from 2014 has been introduced a special section: Projects Presentation – technical section where participants can present how the robot was designed and built by them, the jury being made up of people specialized in the field of robotics.
Robochallenge differs from other similar competitions by stimulating competitors thinking and creativity. Participating teams build robots based on competition regulations using components and materials suitable, the only restrictions being the size and weight. Each team has its own vision and the approach can often be special, in this way appearing new surprises every year, living proof of their inventiveness.
Persons interested in developing these technological marvels cand use a special arranged laboratory at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, where they can benefit from help and guidance from the ETTI Robochallenge team. For those who want more, each summer is organized Robochallenge Summer School where they receive support in areas of interest.
More information is available on the website dedicated to this event: www.robochallenge.ro
MobilPRO – Inovare și Mobilitate is an annual competition of ideas and applications organized by the University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB, http://www.upb.ro ), Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ETTI, http://www.electronica.pub.ro ), and Electronics Students League from ETTI Faculty (LSE, http://lse.org.ro), member of the National Union of Students in Romania (UNSR, http://www.unsr.ro).
Editia 2015 MobilPRO – Mobility and Innovation proposed the following themes (http://mobilpro.lse.org.ro/concurs/regulament/):
More details are available on the website: http://mobilpro.lse.org.ro/ and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mobilproetti .
Enthusiast studentss are invited to participate in the competition organized by Freescale: “Embedded Linux Challenge”.
For details, please access the link https://community.freescale.com/community/uvp/linux-embedded-challenge.
Freescale Cup competition is open to ETTI students interested in automotive systems.
The competition proposes the design of a smart car to travel in the shortest time a route bordered by two black lines. Standard kits for cars are equipped with Freescale microcontroller platforms and are offered free to each team. According to the rules a team can consist of up to 3 students (from undergraduate or at most a student to master). Students have access in the laboratory of Freescale ETTI room B028.
More details can be found on the official website of the contest.
European Satellite Navigation Competition organized by the Romanian Space Agency is addressed to people, businesses or institutions that have a product, service or business based on satellite navigation systems. With annual awards with a total value of approximately 1 million euros in cash, possibility of incubation, patent consulting, business coaching, advertising, access to technical experts and so on, ESNC competition is supported by a network of over 240 experts industry or research who is involved in the evaluation of proposals.
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