2.1 Architectures, networks technologies, systems and services for Future Internet
2.2 Software for connectivity resources management and control, quality of services, content distribution, virtualisation.
2.2 Access and transport technologies in heterogeneous integrated networks for fixed and mobile communications
2.3 Processing subsystems for real time and distributed systems
3.1. New architectures and software technologies for “Future Internet”, including :content aware networks, Software Defined Networking (SDN), Network Function Virtualization, (NFV), Content Centric Networking(CCN), Content/media delivery systems, selective security topics.
3.2. Multi-domain management systems (for quality assurance services in integrated networks, security, XML-based technologies, communications group, autonomic management, client-server communication in cooperation with “peer to peer” – P2P communication).
3.3. New programming languages for SDN and NFV.
3.4. Optimizations in L1-L3 level technologies for local, access and aggregation networks (wired or wireless), fixed or mobile. Integration of access technologies in “end to end” architecture (channel allocation in wireless networks, cross-layer optimization, intelligent routing, MAC-level processing, multi-node radio networks – “mesh”, horizontal mobility, mobility between different technologies, sensor networks, security, access, etc.).
3.5. Systems and networks applicable in rural and urban environments for communities’ communications, Internet access networks for administration, tele-surveillance, and traffic control. Virtualization techniques for optimizing the use of hardware infrastructure and reduce energy consumption.
3.6. Processing subsystems for lower levels of layered architectures (real time systems for equalization, adaptation, physical layer interfaces, filtering, modulation, multiplexing, encoding / transcoding, etc.)
Human resources
10 researchers (UPB), 3 associate researchers, 4 Ph. D students
Equipment and Software
Partnerships and expected results
CCSRST will continue participation in European research international and national projects with mixed consortia, to contribute to solutions for selected topics among those mentioned at bullets 3.1—3.6.
International research projects (2001-2015)
Prof.dr.ing. Eugen Borcoci, general manager
Politehnica University of Bucharest
1-3 Iuliu Maniu Avenue, Building LEU – rooms A-323
Postal address : 313 Splaiul Independentei, Sector 6, ZIP code
060042, Bucharest
Phone/Fax: +4-021-316 96 31
Phone: +4-021 402 48 27
E-mail: Eugen.Borcoci@elcom.pub.ro
Prof.dr.ing Sorin Zoican – executive manager
1-3 Iuliu Maniu Avenue, Building LEU – room A309
E-mail: Sorin.Zoican @elcom.pub.ro
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