Through the analytical syllabuses of the courses offered to students from Telecommunication Technologies and Systems is being aimed to ensure a solid fundamental training in telecommunications field (courses from third and fourth semesters curriculum and, especially from fifth and sixth semesters curriculum), doubled by a specialization in various technologies and telecommunications systems, courses from seventh and eighth semesters curriculum). Specific for this direction is the priority given to modern communications technologies and equipments.
The curriculum has been designed with a large opening, using as models programs from elite universities with similar specializations.
The fundamental training in this area is assured by courses such as: Theory of information transmission, Signals and systems, Decision and estimation for data processing, Analysis and synthesis of circuits, Microwaves, Electronic measurement instrumentation, Digital signal processing, Analog and digital communications, Transmission environments, Internet programming technologies, Network and Internet architectures, Electromagnetic compatibility, Data communications, Multiplex transmission techniques and systems, Switching systems and techniques.
The development of telecommunications field cannot be conceived without the involvment of computing systems (hardware and software). Accordingly, the curriculum includes a significant number of courses oriented towards the architecture and the use of computers such as Computer architecture, Operating systems, Databases, etc. These courses leave from general problems of computer science and then, are detailed the specific study program issues through applications. This gives a good general background, useful in various fields.
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